Conner Kelly

Conner Kelly is from Glassboro, New Jersey and started tap dancing at seven years old with his aunt as his tap teacher. He trained under the direction of Jamie Down and then later on with Robin Passmore, who brought him into the rooms with people like Jared Grimes, Harold Cromer, Derrick Grant, Jason Janas, Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards, Ayodele Casel, Chloe & Maud Arnold, and Jason Samuels Smith. Throughout his teens, he trained at the American Tap Dance Foundation, performed at “Broadway Underground” and attended Jersey Tap Fest and DC Tap Fest on scholarships. In 2012, he joined the cast of “Tap Stars,” directed by Jason Janas, where he had the opportunity to perform at the Vancouver Tap Festival and the Kennedy Center. In 2023, he joined The Philadelphia Jazz Tap Ensemble and was the driving force behind The Brewerytown Tap Dance Festival, where the vision is to highlight the history of Tap Dance through the lens of Philadelphia. A proud dad of a one-year-old, he is excited to continue growing in tap dance as a performer, choreographer and educator. “I live to Tap Dance and I Tap Dance for my life.”